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There are two main types of fertilizer – organic and synthetic. So which is better? Well, on this channel we always recommend gardening organically. It’s easier (and cheaper!) because there are fewer artificial inputs, and it promotes long-term plant and garden health. We’re literally working with nature here!

I often compare organic feeds and fertilizers with unprocessed wholefoods. Wholefoods nourish a healthy body, keeping you well, trim and happier in yourself. On the other hand, synthetic fertilizers contain manmade ingredients that have a short-term effect on plants. They’re not all bad, but most of them can be thought of as junk food: they make you feel great (for a while anyhow), but quickly leave you depleted and craving more. Synthetic fertilizers, like junk food, won’t sustain the long-term wellbeing of your plants.

The word ‘organic’ means anything that comes from a living organism. That includes compost and manure, as well as any plant feeds derived from the remains of plants or animals. Once applied, these organic materials will gradually get incorporated into your garden’s ecosystem, becoming part and parcel of its natural cycle and contributing to its future fertility and ongoing functioning.